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If you haven't heard of these in relation to your home, it's time you did!
Why worry about these Natural Phenomena?
These stresses are invisible, but they can do untold damage to both your physical and mental health and can range from feeling tired, sick, poor quality sleep, low immune system, feeling cold and, more seriously, depression, Multiple Sclerosis, infertility, arthritis and cancer.
What exactly are they?
Ley lines
These are the natural pathways or conduits in which the Earth’s energy circulates. This is much like our body’s meridian system as depicted in acupuncture charts. They are sometimes called 'black streams' or 'track lines'. They are believed to be magnetic in nature and cross all over the Earth. Significantly, most ancient monuments and churches are built either on a ley line or where two or more cross.
They are believed to be magnetic in nature and cross all over the Earth. Significantly, most ancient monuments and churches are built either on a ley line or where two or more cross.
Geopathic Stress
This is the naturally occurring energies radiating from the Earth that have passed through an underground body of water of geological formation such as a fault line. In doing so the frequency is changed to one which negatively impacts on our body’s normal function, just like running your nails down a chalk board.
Ghosts, Wandering Spirits
An entity that has died yet their sole presence is still with us and is an energy form.
Paranormal Activity
Dark dreams, sudden temperature changes, batteries suddenly going flat, feeling of being watched, tooth sensitivity from grinding teeth.
This is where two or more Ley Lines cross. Positive vortices, like Stone Henge, rotate clockwise and support wonderful happy places to meet, live and otherwise thrive. Negative vortices rotate counter-clockwise and bring in all the negative stuff from the vicinity and can lead to the onset of depression etc.
Negative Hartmann Curry lines
These are the lines of the Earths naturally occurring magnetic field pass through a component associated with our electricity network, outside or within our houses. In doing so the frequency is changed to one which negatively impacts on our body’s normal function, just like running your nails down a chalk board.
Energy imprints
These can be energetic scars left over from historical events and include ghosts or wandering spirits etc.
A Checklist for Stress Symptoms
You may already have a serious long term illness
You never actually feel entirely 'healthy'.
You sleep badly, consistently.
The atmosphere in your house is not a happy one. Maybe you feel uncomfortable entering your home.
You feel much better when you are away from your home, for example, when on holiday.
There are problems with mould, dampness and creepy crawlies, such as slugs, snails, ants, bugs or wasps. They love Geopathic Stress!
You feel depressed, irritable, enraged, either regularly or intermittently, but consistently.
High staff absence rates due to sickness?
Stables where horses don't thrive?
A spot in the garden/paddock/ vineyard etc where plants struggle, die or are infested with parasites?
Business not thriving despite sound business practices?
Your pets refuse to sleep on their allocated bed
Your hedge has always had a gap in it no matter what you did to try and fix it.
Cracks in the concrete or brick work at your place with no apparent earth movement.
A jinxed desk, stable stall or hospital bed.
Phone/ iPad batteries going flat suddenly.
House alarm malfunctions with no obvious cause
What can you do to protect you and your home?
Step 1. Ask us to survey you home or office for these stresses.
We can conduct an initial desktop audit then provide a comprehensive site review.
Step 2. Get out of it!
The easiest way to avoid the Stress is to move your furniture so that your bed, desk, sofa, or any other furniture you spend a great deal of time sitting, standing or lying on, is out of harm’s way.
Often the way your house is designed limits your ability to move away from these stresses and is usually the case.
The cost of moving house is prohibitive and you may be moving to a similar of worse situation?
Step 3. Get rid of it!
Most stresses can be economically and effectively cured, neutralised and maintained and that folks is what we do!
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