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What can you do to protect you and your home?
Step 1. Ask us to survey your home or office for these stresses.
We can conduct an initial desktop audit then provide a comprehensive site report.
Cost only around $56.00 Au
Step 2.  Get out of it!
The easiest way to avoid the Stress is to move your furniture so that your bed, desk, sofa, or any other furniture you spend a great deal of time sitting, standing or lying on, is out of harm’s way.  
Often the way your house is designed limits your ability to move away from these stresses and  is usually the case.
The cost of moving house is prohibitive and you may be moving to a similar of worse situation?
Step 3. Get rid of it!
Most stresses can be economically and effectively cured, neutralised and maintained and that folks is what we do! 

© 2016 The Property Wellness Doctor

Contact +61 (0) 418 314801

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